Lightning progress through Hellfire Citadel
New patch, new raid! 6.2 is here since two weeks and we haven’t wasted any time making our way through the gates of the Hellfire Citadel, such an interesting place and in particular…. such interesting loot!
Several bosses have already been killed and many upgrades have already been distributed among our fellow raiders but there’s much more to come!
Others bosses are still “up” and we haven’t been there yet but WE WILL! Archimonde did you hear that? We’re coming so make yourself ready once again! Sincerely, LIGHTNING
Please enjoy some of our shoots during the raids, include bonus pictures at the end
- Hellfire Citadel
- Hellfire Citadel Entrance
- Hellfire Assault not so assault
- Iron Reaver… Iron Ravaged!
- Hellfire High Council
- Anthealer wat R U Doin?
- Kormrok, now a sleeping beauty.
- Kilrogg Deadeye now known as just Dead.
- Uuuhhh… Village People?
- Yes Village People.