Maintenance and Update

Hey all
Just to make you all aware the website will be getting updated over the next week to reflect the current state of the guild and what we are doing.
First of all we are now raiding stable again but in a new way! What we have done to achieve this is by having a second guild on a more populated realm and this has giving us a 16 strong and rising team but it is not without its flaws, which is the lack of a unified guild chat (there is addons we are trying for this) and other general socialisation out of raiding. we will be using the website and Teamspeak as the foundation to keep in contact.
So going forward we will now be L I G H T N I N G of kilrogg and also Argent Dawn.
There are more post to come in the coming week which will better show how we are doing but we have been raiding with this setup for at least 3 months and went from doing 11/13 normal to now raiding 13/13 heroic.
Look forward to seeing you all in-game