Lightning kills Kel’Thuzad!
10 valiant members of Lightning assaulted the final two bosses in Naxxramus today. I’m delighted to say that we finally killed Kel just 8 minutes before server reset!
Website of the World of Warcraft guilds LIGHTNING of Kilrogg and LIGHTNING of Argent Dawn – We are the late shift!
10 valiant members of Lightning assaulted the final two bosses in Naxxramus today. I’m delighted to say that we finally killed Kel just 8 minutes before server reset!
A Lightning 10 man cleared the Abomination wing and got to Sapphiron for the first time last night. We had the rare chance to peek in to see Sapphiron’s unformed bones!
After a failed attempt at getting a 25 man Sartharion running (not quite enough L80s and they wouldnt let L79s in!), we converted to a 10 man and got another guild first. We then...
Our first reset of 10 man Naxx resulted in a 9 guild firsts this week. We cleared Spider, Deathnight and Plague wings of the Citadel.